Does the thought of the holiday season give your eye a slight twitch?
As the rush to decorate, shop, bake and entertain begins, so do our stress levels. Somehow, what was once the most peaceful and beautiful time of the year has been transformed into a period of hustle, bustle, and shop until you drop.
The good news, though, is that it is easy to sneak in some strategies that will allow you enjoy to your holiday.
8 ways you can stay merry, bright, and calm over the holidays:
- Stop comparing-What gets most of us in trouble is the image of what we think our Christmas should look like. Television and social media flash snapshots of Pinterest- worthy decorated homes, families together smiling and all happily getting along, and heaps of perfectly wrapped presents under the tree. Remember, most of that is make-believe.
- An attitude of gratitude-Pop on your gratitude lenses and your view will change drastically. When we have the mindset of abundance and having enough, it releases us from stinking thinking. This year, instead of writing Santa a letter, try writing a gratitude letter. According to an article in Greater Good Magazine titled How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain those that wrote gratitude letters reported significant improvements in their mental health and well-being for four to 12 weeks after the exercise ended.
- Chill-out-Carve time out of each day just for you. Practice yoga, take a walk, soak in a tub full of luxurious bubbles or simply sit quietly and gaze a clean- burning candle. Let go of the idea that you can only take a break once the holidays are over. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take time for yourself now and reap the benefits throughout the holidays.
- You are what you eat-If you eat crap, you will feel like crap. Don’t panic…there is no need to deprive yourself of your favorite holiday treats. (doing so will only make you crabby and resentful) Go ahead and indulge but do be selective. Think about the foods and goodies that you absolutely must have and then decide, in advance, how much you will have. My favorite trick is to make a delicious smoothie before heading out to a social event. This way, I have enough protein and nutrition that I feel my best and will not devour everything on the buffet table.
- Get plenty of sleep- Put yourself to bed on time or even early on the nights that you can. A good night’s sleep has amazing restorative powers and will help to keep your immune system running along nicely.
- Gotta say no sometimes-Save your yes’s for what is the most important to you and for what really counts. Tis the season for merriment and goodwill, but don’t stretch yourself too thin. You do not have to attend every function and give to every cause. Choose events that are special to you and give to a charity that is the most meaningful to you. Doing things out of obligation or guilt never feels good.
- Write it down-That might sound a bit obvious to you, but some do not engage in the practice of list writing. The the old Chinese proverb teaches us, “the faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory.” This helps us not only to remember, but It also declutters the brain. Numerous to-do lists floating through our minds only confuse and make you believe there is more to do than there is.
8. Embrace nature-The soothing and restorative powers of spending time in nature can be life-changing. Research shows that spending time in nature has both physical as well as psychological benefits. An article in the American Psychological Association shares with us that exposure to nature has numerous benefits such as lower stress, better mood, and improved attention span. Make time for a stroll through the park or a hike in the woods.
However you celebrate this holiday season, I wish you peace, good health, and much happiness.