You have been thinking about making a few healthy changes in your lifestyle, but you hate the word diet.
That’s ok. I hate the word diet too.
Thankfully, there are many ways to improve your health and form a few great new habits that do not involve counting calories or starving yourself.
And the best part is, you will start to notice a difference quickly in your energy levels and how you feel.
- Drink up! I am pretty sure that you have heard me and a hundred others tell you to drink more water. Water is essential for the kidneys and other bodily functions and can help with weight loss. But did you know that drinking enough water helps to manage stress and anxiety? Even if you are not experiencing anxiety, drinking enough water can promote a feeling of calmness and relaxation. Drinking the recommended amount of water also helps prevent dehydration which can lead to skin disorders and wrinkling. Try adding fresh fruit to your water and find a portable water bottle that you love. If you carry around a water bottle all day, you are more likely to drink more.
- Look out for Sneaky Sugar! Once you start reading labels and paying attention to the amount of sugar in salad dressings, ketchup, and cereal to name a few, you will be surprised. There is a shocking amount of sugar in packaged foods. (another reason to shop the outer aisles at the grocery store and choose fresh). If you add sugar to your coffee or tea, try skipping it. (if not, at least use much less). Sugar will sabotage your health efforts every time. Sugar makes you feel hungrier than you actually are. It also may increase your risk of heart disease, increase your risk of Type 2 Diabetes, cancer and, even depression.
- You’ve got to move it! Exercise is essential for your mind, body, and spirit. The key here is to find something that YOU enjoy doing. Try to do some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Take a walk, ride your bike, or explore an exercise class that sounds fun to you. Consider getting a device (like a Fitbit) so you can actually see how many steps you are taking a day. (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 10,000 daily)
- Eat the Rainbow! Try to eat fruits and vegetables of different colors every day. There are numerous health benefits such as decreased inflammation, a healthy immune system, and cancer prevention. It will also help keep teeth, bones, and nails strong. Even by making great choices, I still fall short each day (it is hard to consume everything you need in one day) so I opt to add in a scoop of greens to my daily smoothie.
- Make a smoothie! Smoothies when made correctly can be nutritionally dense and filling. I use a vegan protein powder, a little healthy fat (nut butter or avocado) organic frozen blueberries, and unsweetened non-dairy milk. I also add a scoop of vegan fiber (contains 12 grams of soluble fiber), my favorite nut butter, and greens. Be sure to read the label when picking out Almond Milk or any type of non-dairy milk and pick the one that states it is unsweetened. I always go for frozen organic blueberries over fresh ones for several reasons. I love my smoothie cold; I always have them on hand in my freezer, and research shows that frozen blueberries make their powerful antioxidants more available. I always make my own smoothies so that I know for sure there are no hidden sugars, artificial or unhelpful ingredients added.
Sometimes, it is the little changes that have the biggest impact on our health. When we keep the changes simple and easy, we are more likely to repeat the step and make them a habit.
And that is what it is all about. Forming healthy habits so that we feel our best!