Sometimes it feels like all we do is go, go, go. We are so focused on taking care of the needs of others that we don’t take any time to recharge our own battery. By the end of the day, our minds are so overloaded with decision fatigue that can’t even think about adding another thing to the to-do list.
But the reality is that we can’t keep going nonstop. Eventually we will become rundown, and then we have to stop — entirely. And let’s get real, no one has time for that!
Just talking about self care can sometimes cause people to stop listening. But the truth is, self-care is essential. While we may want and need to take care of others, it is also important to take care of ourselves, too!

Here are some easy ways to add self-care into your routine. You don’t have to do them all. Just pick even one, and you will nurture your well-being!
1. Eat a Little Cleaner
It doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing change, but finding simple ways to make cleaner eating choices can make a difference over time. For me adding a super healthy smoothie for breakfast or lunch made a huge difference in the way I felt. It gave me more energy and focus for the day. Try swapping zucchini noodles for spaghetti or sparkling water for soda. Simple little changes, that can really add up to big results!
2. Turn Off Devices 30 Minutes Before Bed
For one week, make an effort to put down your device or turn off the TV 30 minutes earlier. Most people do one last social media scroll or email check once they are in bed. The problem with this is it stimulates your mind and make it harder to fall asleep. In addition, it also affects your quality of sleep, which affects energy, focus and memory during the day. Instead, try reading a book or listening to a meditation app to lull you into a deep and peaceful sleep.
3. Implement Mindfulness
Simply put, mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. According to the American Psychological Association, the benefits of practicing mindfulness include decreased anxiety & stress, increased focus, better sleep & memory and overall better quality of life. There are many resources, including apps to help you learn to implement mindfulness. Here is a list of my Top 6 Mindfulness Apps.
4. Move a Little More
You’ve heard it before, I’m sure, but sitting is the new smoking. So, take the steps instead of the elevator. Park your car a little farther away from the store in parking lots. Take an extra loop around the block. Anything to sneak a little more movement into your day. Your heart will thank you. And if you can start your day off with a power walk, your mind will thank you, too. Walking in the morning has been shown to boost your energy, boost your mood and increase your mental clarity for the day. Bonus: it will help you sleep better, too!
5. Declutter
Did you know that our outer surroundings have an impact on our inner well being? It’s true. There is only so much information that our brains can process at one time. When our brain sees lots of clutter, its actually being distracted (and getting tired) from taking it all in and processing it. Reducing clutter frees up valuable mind space to focus on more of the things you want it to be focusing on. One simple way to keep clutter at bay is to set a timer for just 10 minutes each day, and accomplish as much tidying as you can in that short amount of time. Things never have to be perfect, just better than they were when you started!
6. Take a Creative Break
It’s not always easy to find long stretches of time to exercise your creativity, especially if you are a caregiver of young children or an elderly parent. But it is possible to squeeze a few minutes in here or there. Just 15 minutes practicing handwriting or writing a few pages of that book you’d love to publish one day makes a big difference over time. Rather than looking at it as not enough time to get much accomplished, look at it as a few minutes to nurture your creative spirit! Even in short bursts, you can feel joy — and that is self-care!
7. Set a Boundary
While its good to be the person that others can depend on, it’s also important to say “no” when we are feeling overextended. Sometimes we get so focused on being people pleasers that we sacrifice our own wants and feelings in the process. Saying “no” isn’t always easy (let’s be honest, it stinks!), but it’s important to know your limits so that you don’t end up feeling exhausted or resentful. In the end, disappointing someone else is still better than feeling stuck doing something you don’t want to do or don’t believe in.
8. Do Something You Enjoy
Think of some ways that you enjoy doing and do them! Each weekend when you are planning the week ahead, schedule in little 15-60 minute pockets where you can do something that you enjoy. Go to lunch with a friend. Get a manicure. Take a bubble bath. Read a book for 20 minutes. Buy yourself flowers at the farmers market!
There are so many ways that we can work self-care into our routine on the daily. It just takes a little planning.
So now tell us, how will you add self-care to your daily routine? Leave a comment to let us know!