I feel like I spend the rest of the year waiting for summer to finally begin and before I know it, it is over. One minute I am dragging out the patio furniture and what seems like way too soon I am thinking about pumpkins.
There is something magical about a summer picnic. It allows you to step away for the day and truly connect with family, friends, and nature. It is a peaceful time-out from our hectic life and the chance to sit still and simply be.
I actually love going on a picnic by myself. Keeping it simple, I pack up a few snacks, plenty of water, and a good book. It is a great way to recharge and reset.

To make it a memorable picnic, keep in mind that you don’t need a Pinterest-worthy spread (unless that is something you want) nor do you need to outdo Martha Stewart.
Make the most out of your picnic!
- Plan it out: Take a few moments to jot down a checklist of what you need to bring such as food, drink, blankets, chairs, sunscreen, and bug spray. Working from an actual list means it is less likely that you will forget anything. (I included a checklist below for you)
- What to eat: If the very idea of making cutely wrapped cucumber sandwiches makes your head hurt, then don’t do it. Stop at the local market and grab some premade salads, subs, and cut-up fruit. Or make one dish (like Smore bars! You can precut them into little bars and bring in a container) and buy the rest if you wish.
- Where to go: When my kids were little, I would picnic near a playscape if at all possible. Now my favorite spots are locations that are somewhat remote and quiet. I have some beautiful parks near me with picnic tables surrounded by trees and water. You can Google picnic spots near me to find exactly what you are looking for. Many of the locations that popped up for me had reviews and other helpful information such as park hours, if there were picnic tables and a nearby restroom.
- What to bring: I have a checklist that you can refer to below but don’t make the mistake of hauling too much stuff with you. You will only find the experience exhausting, which defeats the purpose. You will most likely not want to picnic again if it is too much work. Keep it simple. Highlight the items on the list that are most important to you and skip the rest.
- Unplug: I do bring my phone with me but I do not have it out. I put my phone on Do Not Disturb so I do not hear the constant notifications. You can play music if you wish however I do encourage you to tune into the sounds of nature instead. Nature therapy is at the top of my list to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and ease monkey brain. It also will boost creativity and help with insomnia. Using this time that you have blocked out for a digital detox is incredibly beneficial.
A word about the basket:
My parents gave me a fabulous picnic basket years ago that has nice plastic dishes, cups, and real silverware in it. I love it! I bring along a garbage bag and throw everything in the dishwasher when I get home. If you are already shaking your head no at that, then simply bring disposable dishes. If I were to replace my basket or gift one, I would hands down purchase this adorable and practical picnic basket. It has an insulated interior section and a wine pouch.
The checklist:
Remember, you do not need to drag along every item listed below. Highlight the items that are most important to you. If you think you might picnic several times over the summer, you could keep a picnic basket filled with many of the items listed below. That will make the process easier.
Favorite picnic foods (Grab some ideas here)
Something to drink plus extra water
Dessert (Smore Bars are always a hit)
Picnic basket or tote bag
Food tents to keep away bugs! (Because bugs in your food are gross)
2 Plastic disposable tablecloths. Sometimes tables are really long and you need two to cover it. (dollar store)
Blanket -Even if there is a picnic table, I still love to bring along a blanket to sit on. I love this waterproof one (always a good idea) and it comes in different colors!
Garbage bags (For garbage, wet clothes, and recyclables)
Hand cleansing wipes (hands get sticky/dirty)
Paper towel
Paper plates
Disposable utensils
Salt & Pepper
I wish you a fabulous summer filled with joy, laughter, and many picnics!