Between working late, chauffeuring kids to and from activities and what seems like endless errands on our to-do list, finding time for exercise may feel like an impossible achievement.
If the mere thought of adding one more thing to your day makes your head hurt, hang on. I want to share a few easy ways to sneak exercise into your day.
We all know that exercise is good for us and of course, it helps us to burn calories. But it does so much more than that.

A few of the many benefits of exercise are:
- It adds years (yes, really) to your life and helps prevent and manage disease which helps us live longer and better!
- Exercise improves your mood and lifts your spirit! Physical movement stimulates various brain chemicals that may make you feel happier, more relaxed, and less anxious.
- Promotes a more restful night of sleep. Regular activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep.
- Increases energy levels. You will soon find you can get more accomplished throughout your day.
- Reduces blood pressure Reduces the risks of developing dementia (including Alzheimer’s)
- Reduces anxiety and depression
- Improves your bone health
- Helps with coordination and balance which reduces your risk of falls.
Every movement counts!

Stop beating yourself up about not getting that run in or making it to the gym. Instead, start to recognize opportunities throughout the day to move your body.
*Nine ways to sneak exercise into your day:
- Look for the farthest parking spot in the lot and always take the stairs when available. In a hurry? Walk faster!
- Get children and grandchildren involved. Walk, bike ride, do yoga, or kick around a ball. You both will benefit.
- Walk your dog! If you do not have a dog, ask a neighbor or your local shelter. (I would offer up my dog but she is a terrible walker. I walk her anyway because I love her)
- Have phone calls to make? Try walking while talking if you do not need to be on the computer the entire time.
- Clean your house for fifteen minutes. Set a timer and then go! It will get your body moving and you will have a somewhat cleaner house when you are finished.
- Change your next lunch date with an old friend to a walk in the park. You get to catch up and get your steps in at the same time.
- Ride a stationary bike or hop on the treadmill while binge-watching your favorite program. You might surprise yourself with how much longer you can keep at it when your focus is elsewhere. I love my stationary bike! If space is a problem, try this fold-up stationary bike. Turn on your favorite program or podcast and see how the miles fly by.
- Stuck waiting in the doctor or dentist’s office? (or for any type of appointment)Give the receptionist your cell phone number and let them know you are going to walk out in the hall or outside. Tell them you won’t go far.
- Stuck sitting at a desk all day? Try sitting on a stability ball to strengthen your core.

I would love to hear your favorite ways to keep moving. Personally, I love to walk and I go to Jazzercise several times a week. Once I starting noticing how my body was responding to exercise, I began to carve time out of my day whenever possible. The more I am able to get moving, the better I feel.
I wish you peace, love, and good health!