“Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”
Many declare fall as their favorite season with the start of sweater weather and the return of pumpkin spice. While I do appreciate both of these and will admit to a certain level of excitement upon their arrival, my heart belongs to the spring season.
I live in the Northern hemisphere where I get to experience all four seasons to their fullest and all that they have to offer. I can honestly say that I can find something to love about each season, but it is the spring that brings me the greatest joy.
For me, it starts in the early hours of the morning, right before the sun rises and I begin to hear the birds singing again and I enjoy the chorus of the Spring Peepers at the end of the day. I am always amazed to see the Tulips and Daffodils poke their tips out of the cold earth and I want to warn them that they are too early. It will snow again. It is magnificent to watch how nature waves its magic wand and transforms the earth from the grey and colorless ground to vibrant green grass and colorful flowers.
Springtime has long represented renewal and cleansing. As dormant plants begin to come to life again, animals awaken from hibernation and the days gradually get lighter. It is the perfect opportunity to have our bodies follow along with the rhythm of nature.
The start of any season symbolizes change and for the spring this means clearing past patterns that no longer serve you, creating a fresh and clean-living space, and shedding the heaviness and sluggishness that have built up over the winter months.

Spring is the perfect time to focus on new goals and to start fresh:
- Start with a fast but efficient purge. A cluttered house produces a cluttered mind and it is difficult to make changes when we are already overwhelmed. Plus, a clutter-free house is easier to clean (and stay clean). Go through the fridge and dump anything old and expired and wipe down the interior with vinegar water. Go through closets and drawers and if you have not used the item in a year, it’s time to donate or throw it away.
- Lighten up! In the winter months, we tend to cook hearty, comfort foods. With the warmer weather approaching, focus on leafy or bitter greens, whole grains, and take a minute to search for a few new healthy recipes to try.
- Spring-Clean from the inside out. There is always a buzz in the springtime about doing a detox and you will see detox cleansing kits start to show up everywhere. While there are some beneficial ingredients in many of them, they are not a one size fits all. You should always check with your doctor first. I like to keep things as simple (and safe) as possible and start by increasing my consumption of leafy greens, lemon water (both hot and cold) citrus fruits, and garlic. I drink a fabulous herbal tea all year round because I love the taste, it helps with tummy issues, and so happens to be wonderful for the liver and kidneys.
- Dry Brush: Dry brushing is excellent for exfoliating, increasing circulation, and even exotifying the skin. It unclogs pores and helps to detoxify by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow and drainage. As a bonus, unclogging the pores makes it easier to eliminate toxins in our system when we sweat. The best time to dry brush is just before a shower. Start with a dry, stiff-bristled brush and begin at your feet, working your way upward with long strokes. Next, use circular motions on your back and torso. Note: you do not have to wait until springtime to dry brush. It can be done daily.
- Make one new healthy habit you can stick to: Instead of starting another diet or making a list of 15 things you need to start doing, pick one. Think of something you will enjoy and then commit to doing it daily. It can be eating a salad with every meal, tracking the amount of water you are drinking daily, or getting a 20-minute walk in. By choosing one habit you are much more likely to stick to it. Once you find yourself consistently carrying out your new habit, you are much more likely to make other healthy choices.
- Allow time for creativity: Everyone has unique talents and gifts to offer and can engage in creativity. It could be painting, baking, gardening, writing, building, or decorating. Spending quiet time working on a project can be deeply relaxing and a form of meditation. Find a creative outlet that brings you pleasure and peace.
Chinese medicine teaches us to align our bodies with nature for a mind, body spirit connection and spring is the perfect time to make a few changes.
I hope this is a season of growth, renewal, and starting fresh for you. Allow it to be the promise and start of good things to come.
Happy Spring!