Mindful Mealtime
Mindful eating is a lot like mindful living. The goal is to be aware and in-tune with what your body needs and to stay in the moment.
That certainly sounds simple enough. You might be thinking that if you have a plate of food in front of you then of course you are aware of what it is and you are in the moment just fine.
However, if you have your phone or laptop out next to you, the Television on or if you are standing at the counter with a knife and fork in hand, chances are you are not fully in the moment.
I had a long-time habit of standing in my kitchen when I would eat a meal by myself. I would actually eat lunch or dinner while putting away the dishes! I felt I could accomplish more in my day by taking care of two tasks at once.
The only thing I ending up achieving was a stomach ache from eating too fast. I also always ate too much and more times than not, made poor food choices.
Once I began to bring my mindful living practices into the kitchen, sat down at the table, and simply focused on my food.
And guess what?
The results were magical.
I found that I did not eat as much or as fast. Both were big issues that I struggled with before. I also did not leave the table with a stomach ache or that painfully full feeling and better yet, I was not left with guilt or regrets.
I began to approach mealtime in a calm, relaxed fashion instead of the rushed frenzy I experienced before. I thoughtfully made my food choices based upon nutrition and what my body needs.
I took a few minutes extra to set a place for myself at the table even if I was dinning alone and began to pause before that first bite to express my gratitude for the meal in front of me.
I discovered that mindful eating allows you to enjoy your dinning experience while simultaneously eating no more or no less than your body requires. After time, I realized that I did not have to live my life in a hectic frenzy and that I was not really saving that much time by incorporating a task into my mealtime.
So, let’s get started!
Mindful Eating is an alternative to binge-eating or out-of-control eating. It also helps to prevent eating out of boredom, stress or as a method of soothing emotional discomfort or pain.
- Go solo! Make eating an exclusive event and do not invite along the TV, your phone or other distractions. (if dining out with a friend, decide ahead of time what you will order, drink and how fast you will eat)
- Slow down! Eating slowly helps you to better recognize your hunger and understand when you are full. Really chew your food well (like your mother taught you) and try putting your fork down between bites. First one done does not win the race.
- Choose quality over quantity. Remember, when we have more food on our plate, we tend to eat more.
- Try lighting a few candles, perhaps put a little more effort into setting the table and play some relaxing music for your dinner meal. I love using cloth napkins. Not only do they bring a sense of elegance to the table, they are eco-friendly.
- Gratitude for your attitude. Reflect on how grateful you are for the food in front of you, for making such healthy choices, your surroundings, your family etc.
Often, it is the small changes in our behaviors and habits that bring about the greatest change. I hope you will try one or two of these tips.
Let me know how it goes.